HHS Students Meet Rep. John Lewis

HHS Political Science and Philosophy students met civil rights era hero and current member of Congress John Lewis on January 22, 2003. He is shown here with Paula Safford (l) who will be starting her internship in Rep. Lewis' office in February and Ms. Diane Guilford who saw John Lewis speak at the March on Washington, August, 1963. Below are quotes from Rep. Lewis and he also responded to student questions. Special thanks are also extended to Rep. Lewis' Legislative Assistant Eric, who discussed what it was like to work for Rep. Lewis prior to Rep. Lewis' arrival. Photographs by Kevin Rudy and Doug Graney.

When I was a little boy I always wanted to be a preacher. So I would preach to the chickens. Some of the chickens listened, some did not.

I began to believe in the Spirit of History. I came to believe this force is on the side of what is good, of what is right and just. It is the essence of the moral force of the universe, and at certain points in life, in the flow of human existence and circumstances, this force, this spirit, finds you or selects you, it chases you down, and you have no choice; you must allow yourself to be used, to be guided by this force and to carry out what must be done.

America to me is not just the movement for civil rights but the endless struggle to respond with decency, dignity and a sense of brotherhood to all the challenges that face us as a nation.

Be ashamed to leave this world having done nothing to improve the human condition. Do some good. Do something out of a sense of community, something that is aimed beyond yourself. And be ashamed if you do not.