Student Questions and Photos

"You voted against the Gulf War, but for the Yugoslavia air strikes. What were the deciding factors in that?" Elliot Henney

"If you had your choice of any Democrat to be the next president, besides yourself, who would you choose?" Lindsey Rosenthal

"Running for public service, Congress in particular, has become so expensive to campaign, how can we prevent Congress from becoming an elite group of wealthy individuals?" Zach Pomerantz

"President Bush seems to be taking a less than hands-on approach to foreign policy, especially regarding Israel, Korea and Ireland. As someone that has an interest in the affairs of Ireland, what is your reaction to that?" Christina Burkett

"Why did you vote to reject the U.S. Sentencing Commission guidelines regarding ending the disparity of crack and powder cocaine penalties?" Carey Hogg

"What is the most difficult vote you have had to make in your career?" Neema Khatri

HHS Students

Narintara Bhumarom

Rich Neal intern Dana Cizmadia

Will Coley

Massachusetts bound and future Rich Neal constituent Neema Khatri

Rep. Neal, Mr. Coles and Mr. Mahoney talking about their shared Massachusetts past.