Student Questions

Did the Northern Alliance share the sentiment that Americans were arrogant when they first arrived? Ibrahim Nur

What is your opinion of the government the U.S. has established in Afghanistan? Mike Geiger

What does the Taliban think of Pakistan since Pakistan has been helping America? Adeen Tahir

During the friendly-fire incident (at the Mazar-e-Sharif prison), how did that affect the Northern Alliance soldiers around you? Laura Smith

Did you carry a weapon for your own protection? Dale Robinson

How do you feel about going back to Afghanistan? Are you scared? Virginia Johnson

Did you have confidence in the U.S. military after they accidently bombed the U.N. and Red Cross buildings? Doug Segura

Do the Northern Alliance and U.S. soldiers fight together and if so is there any tension between them? Casey Kohler

What motivates you to go back? I think you have a lot of courage. I commend you. Mr. Peter Coles, HHS Security

More Pictures

Princess Dickerson and Wayne Gore

Tim Friend with HHS Principal Jan Leslie

Adeen Tahir, Doug Segura, Sean Gallahan and Tim Friend