Herndon High Students Meet Rep. Barbara Comstock

Many thanks to Rep. Barbara Comstock for meeting with HHS Government students.  They prepared by debating different bills Rep. Comstock voted on, looking at her political background, the presidential primary debates and current events. This meeting took place on October 6th, 2015.

On Our Way- Walking up Capitol Hill

Into the Cannon House Office Building...or as they say, CHOB.

Goofing Off On the CHOB Balcony- Abdul, Kevin and Luis

Not sure who that guy is. Jasmine joins the fun.

Chase, Destiny and Any

Rep. Comstock provides background on her political career.

William- You are on eight different committees and sub-committees.  How do you find the time for all that?  ANSWER-  Well it's a lot of running around but sometimes I have staff attend. 

Abdul- Have you met my old hometown and your old hometown Congressman, Rich Neal of Springfield, Ma?  ANSWER- Yes!  My mother recognized him in an elevator and introduced me. We are currently working together on a bill to fight heroin addiction. 

Tyler A- There are A LOT of Republican presidential candidates. Have any of them asked you to endorse them? And are you willing to identify a candidate you definitely would not endorse?  ANSWER- They have all asked for my endorsement.  As far as not endorsing one of them, I would not endorse someone that insults other candidates.  I remember President Reagan being inclusive and welcoming people to the Republican Party.  Sen. Marco Rubio seems like that kind of candidate to me.

Noah thanks Jen Jett for arranging our meeting! After Rep. Comstock had to leave, Ms. Jett responded to questions.  I did not post her responses due to her not being the member of congress.

Tyler W

At the Martin Luther King Memorial

Jessica and Jasmine

Abdul, Kevin, Chase, Jasmine, Tyler, Jessica, Bryce and Luis


Tyler, Noah, Nelle and Any