A Conversation With General Colin Powell

And Visiting the George Washington Masonic Temple

Uyen presents General Powell with HHS gear after a fascinating discussion at his office. We met with General Powell on 12/12/12.

First things first.

General Powell and Mr. Coles.  Two old comrades reminiscing about their shared military past. General Powell also discussed his upbringing, other aspects of his life, the American Revolution, War of 1812, The Civil War and other topics.

Han- In interviews and in your writings the concept of shame appears. Please explain why a child experiencing shame is a good thing.  ANSWER- Shame is important for younger generations because it builds up the structure in the family for a child to be better than their parents. Shame gives the child no opportunity to fail. Therefore shame is the answer to success. And that's why shame is a good thing.

Jackson- After our visit here we are going to the George Washington Masonic Temple...and you're welcome to join us. Did you study George Washington's military career and if so were you able to apply that to your military career? ANSWER- His military career was not that successful.  But his attitude was to be selfless and never give up.  He used that as a way of life so it has been very inspiring to me.

Carina- In your book It Worked For Me, you wrote that we should do our best at whatever job we have and to get over it when bad things happen. However how should we respond when we are working our best, but people make comments about us being illegal or taking jobs from others when neither is true? ANSWER- You still need to get over it and not let it be your problem. The racist has the problem. Always be proud of where you're from.

Divya- Mr. Graney is from Leesburg which is where General George C. Marshall lived. Marshall was known for his patriotism, public service and answering the call when presidents needed him. If President Obama wanted you to be part of special mission, perhaps something like the Haiti mission you did for President Clinton, would you agree to it? Or are you 100% not going back, retired?  ANSWER- Yes I would.  I already have.  Last year I represented the Obama administration in South Sudan. I don't want another job in government but by doing things like going to South Sudan and meeting with you guys, I feel like I'm serving my country.

Mumin- In 1995-96 many people wanted you to run for President. In It Worked For Me, you wrote you had "...an instinct... a duty to run for president" but you decided against it. If someone like the first President Bush or Nancy Reagan told you it was your duty to run, do you think you would have still not run? ANSWER- No. I'm a military guy and I didn't feel like being President would be a good fit for me. That whole time period you mentioned I never woke up and thought "I want to be President."  Never let anyone make decisions for you. 

Melissa- What significance do  you place on the fact that  you are meeting with us on the 12th day of the 12th month of the 12th year in a meeting that ends on the 12th hour and that a moment like this won’t  happen again for another 100 years? ANSWER-  Ha, ha. I didn't realize that though I heard something about a lot of people getting married.  A lot people find stuff like that interesting but I've never been superstitious.


Hannah does a beautiful performance of Our National Anthem, which.....

...General Powell and the rest of us loved.